
Welcome to Arabia TSA Webmaster project! Augmented Reality is a way for people to visualize something without looking at the real thing. It’s like virtual reality except it only modifies the real world instead of creating something that isn’t there like making a skyscraper for people to use to get over their fear of height. Many companies are going towards the augmented reality business like Ford and there are countries that have already started on augmented reality like Japan.


This website was created by Arabia Mountain High School Technology Student Association for the High School Webmaster event. The site was made to inform people on the benefits & concerns, technological uses, and the future of Augmented Reality. We have also discussed the difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on this website. Most images on this site were either taken by AMHS TSA members or cited in the bibliography. The site was built using the WordPress framework and was coded in HTML. Most content on this site is original and if not, they are cited in the bibliography. This site is compatible with mobile devices and is optimized to work on a variety of screen sizes.

Design Brief
Georgia TSA
National TSA
Arabia Mountain High School TSA

Student Copyright Checklist

Team Leap Resume

Team Id: T2302