Arabia TSA

Technology Student Association (TSA)

Mission Statement

The mission of Georgia TSA is to prepare its membership to be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through co-curricular activities within the technology education program; which include communication, leadership, and competitive skill development in the classroom/laboratory environment.


I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world. I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry. Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live. I will accept the responsibilities that are mine. I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living. I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals. Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability. I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans.


“Learning to Lead in a Technical World”


Hover over the pictures to get name and position.

Our Chapter Team consists of 12 members, which are selected in the previous semester. They all work together for things to run smoothly during our meetings, trips, social events, etc.


Our TSA chapter is VERY active in the State of Georgia. Our members are enthusiastic, friendly, and like to have fun.

Our members can take part in National TSA Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, The Georgia Fall Leadership Conference in Jekyll Island, GA, The “CORE” officer retreat for excellence, Tech Day in Perry, GA, and the Georgia TSA State Leadership Conference in Athens, GA. At these conferences, students learn to lead by example, compete in a variety of events, and make friends with students from across the state.

Our chapter also holds socials that may include: The annual TSA homecoming tailgate party, dinner and a movie at the Mall at Stone Crest, Bowling, White Elephant gift exchange, Skating, Laser tag, an end of the year banquet, and the list goes on. This year’s officer team will be making plans for another year of fantastic socials!


And our chapter couldn’t have succeeded without the dedication of our advisors:

Mrs. S. Mathieu

Mr. I. Roberts

Mr. E. Thompson