Technological Uses

Augmented reality(AR) is the generation of computer-animated images that are projected into the real world. The images of AR vary from anything the creator sees fit. AR has many technological uses that range from being recreational, educational, or even improving the workforce.


AR can be projected through many devices such as smartphones, iPads, 3D glasses, and headgear. Many of these devices include webcams that have software that recognizes images and proceed to display them onto the real world. For this reason, AR can take over the gaming world giving players the chance to interact with their gaming environment instead of sitting behind their screens. AR produces a whole new playing field for gamers. The images can develop giant chess pieces for a new way to play the game, characters climbing walls, or creatures hiding under cars.

Of course, one of the greatest examples of AR gaming is Pokémon GO. Pokémon GO took the AR gaming world by storm with its introduction of collecting Pokemon in the real world. Pokémon GO allows Pokemon of every kind to appear in any place all around the world. The game even allows Pokemon of specific types such as water, fire, earth, etc. to appear in areas of that nature.


Usually, gaming platforms and environments are very hard to create because of player interest. Video game players don’t want to be stuck in the same world or environment for the entirety of the game. Game producers and designers must change the environment from time to time to keep the players engaged. Even so, AR reacts to our environment so it keeps players guessing. Pokémon GO keeps players engaged because they never know where they’re going to end up such as their closet, riverbanks, and so on. Pokémon GO is only one of an example of the gaming world being changed with AR.


Now AR isn’t only applied to gaming and recreational purposes because it can be used for education as well. Many students suffer from learning disabilities that make the classroom very hard for them. With AR students with learning disabilities can be shown a new way of learning. Students who struggle with hearing or are deaf in general can use AR to help them with their lessons and homework such as using flashcards or producing subtitles that can be recorded or displayed while the teacher is talking. The same applies to students who are visual learners by producing images that capture their attention based on the topic the teacher discussing.

AR can make a teacher’s classroom more interactive as well. Imagine having prehistoric dinosaurs walking around your classroom with a tour guide. AR allows all types of lessons with visuals to take place around the classroom without having to worry about field trips and their expenses. AR can also accommodate for teacher absences. For example, having a robot generated in the classroom or the teacher themselves displayed to the class explaining the lesson while they are away.

AR can also help students with their homework and mini lessons. The teachers can have students point their phones at math problems and show them how to solve it. In some ways, AR can be used as a portable teacher for students. There is no end of what AR can do for education and educators alike.

Improving the Workforce

AR has multiple ways to improve our workforce by allowing workers to use AR smart glasses in their work. Using smart glasses will help inexperienced workers with the job such as providing tutorials and step by step guides in doing the work. In this case, employers won’t have to put their new employees through common training themselves or other experienced workers when AR can do it for them.

As proof of AR providing workers with top-notch help, the company DHL launched a pilot with their workers using AR smart glasses. The smart glasses were used to help the workers by guiding them in item pickings for order fulfillment. The result of the smart glasses was a 25 percent increase in efficiency and fewer errors.

Logistics make up 8.3 percent of the United States GDP. With the help of AR, we can improve our GDP even further because of the possible improvement in worker reliability.

The sky is the limit in what AR can do for our world.